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- OThe 
O Boston 
O Computer 
O Society 


The Bo5ton Koypro ltaer5' Group 

Vol.1 No. 3 

Jon. -Feb. 1Q84 


by Lee Lockwood 

There's quite a bit of news this 


growing rapidly of late (over 400 members 

at present writing) , and attendance is 

often over 100 at meetings. In an effort 

to cope with this growth , we've 

instituted a few changes in our meeting 
structure we hope will make them more 

enjoyable for all: 

Beginners' remain unchanged (6:30 PM) . 


finally gotten its act together & made 

the following arrangements when bad 
weather threatens a meeting: 

==> Cancellation announcements on WHDH 
(850 AM) and WVBF (105.7 FM) starting at 
4 PM. 

==> STARTING FEB 15, a new BCS Hot Line 
will carry latest cancellation info. 
Number is 227-0170. 

==> Call the BCS office after 3 PM. 

1) All meetings will now start at 7:15 
PM, not 7:30. (This will allow more time 
for using the library and for shmoozing 
afterwards.) We ask your cooperation in 
helping us start PROMPTLY. 

2) Beginning in Feb., programs will be 
held only once a month, on the FOURTH 
TUESDAY (see Meeting Schedule.) These 
will now begin PROMPTLY at 8:00 PM. We 
ask your cooperation in clearing the 
Library or ending your discussions a few 
minutes before the hour. Program 
speakers will have 45-60 minutes TOTAL 
time in which to speak and lead 
discussion. Generally, we will try to 
keep the hour from 9:00-10:00 (closing 
time) available for Library use and for 
informal activities. 

3) The second Tuesday meeting each 
month will still be devoted to 
small-group activities. Instead of 

r~« "workshops", however, we will experiment 
with forming Special Interest Groups 
("SIGs") which will meet regularly at 
that time. More info below. 

4) Starting times for the Library and 

grow ever more popular, smaller user 
groups are beginning to form outside of 
the Boston area that will be satellites 
of BOSKUG but will hold their own 
meetings. The KUGEL will carry news of 
these new groups and their meetings. 
Here are two: 

(Cont. on p^2) 


Director f s Note 1 

Library Notes 3 

Perfect Filer 4 

Advanced Filer Tips 5 

Drive Diagnostic Kit Review 6 

Special Interest Groups (SIGS).. 8 

Tips on Playing Adventure 9 

The Swap Shoppe 10 

BOSKUG Group Deals 10 

CLIP Review. 11 

BOSKUG Library Listing 12 

"Perfect-Star Word Writer" 13 

Bytes, Nibbles & Bits 14 

BOSKUG Phone Directory 15 

BOSKUG Meeting Schedule 16 

pIRECTOR'S NOTES (Cont. from p.l) 

CAPE COD KUG: Monthly meetings at Cape 
Cod Computer Center. For info, send 
stamped self-addressed envelope to Joseph 
G. Scavuzzo, P.O. Box 696, Monument 
Beach, MA 02553. Or call 759-9482 and 
leave a message. 

RHODY-KUG (R.I.): Monthly meetings on 
3rd Tues., 8:00 Pm. Call Louise Deveney, 
(401) 738-1247. 

BETATEST REPORT: We've been testing a 
Kaypro 4 Plus 88 for about two months 
now, but only recently did we receive any- 
16-bit software to run on it. Reports on 
the co-processor's operation as an 8-bit, 
RAM-disk machine are very positive. (At 
this writing, 5 people have tested it 
this way.) The RAM disk is extremely 
fast. It is also a great convenience to 
have, effectively, 3 disk drives, one of 
them with 247K of accessible memory. We 
will be printing updates from time to 
time. xMeanwhile, anyone interested in 
testing the 4 Plus 88 Kaypro as a 16-bit, 
MS-DOS machine please call Lee at 

and manufacturers of peripherals and 
software, plus other items of interest. 
Anything worth saving will be kept in 
Chris Ammer ' s library; the rest will be 
chucked out after the meeting. 

SORBUS REPAIRS: There have been many 
inquiries about where to go for Kaypro 
repairs. One altern- ative to dealers is 
Sorbus , a national repair outfit facility 
with a large regional depot located in 
Waltham. It is an official Kaypro 
warranty repair station, to which many 
local stores send their machines. It 
also offers service contracts, either 
on-site or drop-off. Sorbus now picks up 
Kaypros twice each week at a number of 
drop-off points around the metro Boston 
area and returns them to the same point 
within two working days (so they claim) . 
We are getting conflicting reports about 
the quality of Sorbus service and would 
appreciate input from members who have 
used it. SPECIAL OFFER: 1 month's free 
extra service on any contract when you 
say you're a BOSKUG member. INFO: John 
Butler, Sorbus, 890-2915. 


AMMER is our new "hard-copy" Librarian. 

She is busy collecting, indexing and 

organizing our ever-increasing paper 

holdings. These include manuals, 

catalogs, text books, magazines and much 

more. Many of these are available for 
browsing thru at meetings. If enough 

interest develops, we may consider 

allowing some books to be borrowed 

between meetings. New contributions are 

welcome . 


If anyone has worthwhile books or 
manuals to donate to the library, see 
Chris, to whom our gratitude knows no 
bounds for undertaking this Herculean 
(and rather thankless) task! She would 
also welcome a volunteer to assist her 
and act as librarian on those rare 
evenings when she can't attend. Phone 
her at 861-8162 (day or night) . 

homosote panels adjacent to the Library 
have now been pressed into service as a 
Bulletin Board. Anyone wishing to post a 
notice of any kind, including For Sale, 
need only get a push pin from Chris and 
put it up. On the same board, we will be 
posting the latest mailings from Kaypro 

A NEW KAYPRO 4: The first week in 

January, Kaypro suddenly called all 

dealers and said that the standard Kaypro 
4 had been discontinued. In its place is 

a new machine (we'll call it "Kaypro 4E" 

till we hear another name) which will 

cost an additional $200 — bringing it 

back to $1995, the original 4 price. A 

call to California encountered static at 

first, but finally elicited the info that 

the 4-E is essentially a floppy-disk 

version of the 10, with some additions. 

Here are its salient features: — A 

"universal" mother board identical to the 

board in the Kaypro 10. This means Kaypro 

10 graphics, 2 serial ports, a fan, and a 

4 Mh "clock" (meaning the 4E ought to run 

about 1/3 faster than the II and the 4) ; 

~ The Kaypro 10 monitor and anti-glare 

screen; — A "built-in" modem (300 baud 

only) ; -- A "real-time" clock. We 

applaud the changes but wish -- once 

again -- that Kaypro would institute a 

policy of offering upgrade kits to 

current owners when improvements are made 

in existing models. 

ENGSTROM, assisted by KAREN ROCKOW, is 

(Cont. on p. 15} 


by Charlie Bowen 

Here are some recent additions to the 
library that you may not have heard 
about : 

BOSKUG. 102 (Cataloging utilities.) Our 
second elaborately annotated utilities 
disk. This one features NCAT, a program 
for listing all the files on your disks 
in a master catalog. Other programs on 
the disk will allow you to print out the 
catalog, or extract particular parts of 
it (all the files ending in ".BAS", for 
instance) . A long introduction leads you 
through the process in detail. 

BOSKUG. 131 "NEWSWAP," a program that 
will create swap files for Perfect Writer 
in any size you specify. It's 
easy — instructions are on the disk. 

BOSKUG. 201 Microsoft BASIC programs for 
several useful purposes: — CAL.COM: Want 
a calendar for the month in which America 
^ was discovered? the month Charlemagne 
was crowned? Want to know how many times 
July 4 fell on a Sunday between 1620 and 
1776? This program will write a calendar 
for any year or month in the recorded 
past or forseeable future. — Figuring 
mortgage payments: With this program you 
get a monthly schedule of principal and 
interest paid, plus principal remaining, 
and an annual statement of interest paid 
that year. — Practicing touch typing 
(these programs have some limitations, 
but they can provide useful practice) . 

BOSKUG. 801 Our Archives disk now 
contains both issues of the KUGEL. 
There's a table of contents, but not an 
index. (Anybody want to volunteer?) 

One section of the library we have been 
trying to bring up to date is the 
Communications section. It currently 
contains the following four disks: 

BOSKUG. 161 Some old, reliable modem 
programs from the library: KMDM795, 

BOSKUG. 162 Utilities for advanced modem 
communi- cations: SQUEEZE and UNSQUEEZE 
(to condense files for speed of 

transmission, and 'uncondense' them so 
they can be read; CRCK (a checksum 
program to help you determine whether two 
files are identical) ; LU (the "Library 
family" — programs that will group smaller 
files into single "library" files and get 
them out again, or run individual 
programs embedded in library files, and 
so on) ; SD-71 (the latest 
"Superdirectory" program with all the 
bells and whistles--e .g . , can list the 
individual files in libraries without 
their having to be separated) . 

BOSKUG. 163 MODEM903, one of the newest, 
easiest modem programs, and NSWP 
(Newsweep) , the latest improvement of the 
most comprehensive file-handling 
program. (This version is not only more 
capable than the SWEEP on our first 
utility disk, it's also less than 
one-third as long.) 

BOSKUG. 164 A whole disk chock-full of 
bulletin-board numbers from all across 
this mighty continent. 

Several of these programs came with 
some documentation, but we have yet to 
add any of our own. We are involved in a 
slow process of locating and selecting a 
few basic modem programs to offer on our 
forthcoming "recommended-for-beginners" 
disk. These programs should be simple 
enough so that first-time users don't 
have to take a course before plunging 
in. The disk should also contain 
whatever utilities would be desirable in 
a "starter set," and finally we should 
provide whatever a neophyte needs by way 
of introduction to modem communications. 

We still need suggestions from those 
who have some experience as to which 
programs belong on this disk, and what 
documentation is needed. We particularly 
need someone to coordinate this project: 
collect suggestions, try out the various 
programs recommended, rank them according 
to their suitability for our purpose, and 
look over the documentation. I can help 
in writing and editing, but being sans 
modem, I'm not in a position to carry out 
this project by myself. Volunteers, 
please step forward. Give me your name 
and number at a meeting, or call me at 
332-2931. (Whether or not you can help 
with coordination, I'd like to receive 
your nominations for the programs to be 
included on this disk.) 



by Mike Holmes 

PERFECT FILER as supplied with the 
KAYPRO meets several important conditions 
for users. First and probably foremost, 
it f s free. Beyond that, it's relatively 
versatile, fast, and easy to use. If it 
weren't for the manual, Filer would be 
the program of choice for a variety of 
applications . 

I personally use PERFECT FILER daily, 
primarily to maintain a 3000+ subscriber 
list with the usual name, address, etc. 
plus subscription expiration information 
for two small magazines. Secondly, as a 
writer, I have amassed thousands of 
articles, pictures, magazines and books 
in my field (folk music and vintage 
instruments) but was unable to reference 
them for my own writing because searching 
through each issue or book was simply too 
time consuming. Using PERFECT FILER, I 
have created a "library file" of titles, 
authors and subjects (which, 
incidentally, has also helped me to 
organize my material in filing cabinets 
and bookshelves — what a pleasure!) My 
third use for FILER was to construct a 
directory of nearly 1000 dealers, 
instrument makers and resources, in a 
kind of electronic file cabinet. 

At least once a week I send form 
letters to dozens of people using FILER'S 
"merge" feature. Another side benefit 
allows me to answer questions over the 
phone that I previously had to answer by 
letter, which took much longer. I get at 
least one information request per day; 
now I can use FILER to find the answer 
while the caller is still on the line. 

However, FILER is 
important functions: 

missing three 

simply has no number abilities. It will 
count numbers for you, and it will sort 
by them or figure relationships between 
certain numbers such as "greater than," 
"less than" or "equal to". But it can't 
add, subtract multiply or divide, nor can 
it calculate the sum of a set of 
entries. You get the idea. 


of letters or numbers that might occur in 
a record (unless that string occupies the 
first field of the record). It can't, 
for instance, find every occurrence of 
the word "banjo" and also list tb^ x 
records where it appears. 

3) SORTING CHOICES: FILER will let you 
define any set of criteria for sorting 
your data, then combine any two or more 
sets of criteria for more selective 
sorting, but it won't give you choices. 
For instance, you can't say "Show me all 
the occurrences of either banjo or 
fiddle." FILER knows all about "AND" but 
doesn't understand "OR." 

Here are some commands in Perfect Filer 
you may not know about that can make life 

CONTROL-E: Instead of entering a record 
by typing ESCAPE and then choosing the 
Save Data option on the Menu, type 
CTRL-E. It's both faster and allows the 
use of the commands that follow. (If you 
don't use it, the next three commands may 
not work. 

CONTROL-C: If you are entering dat?-^ 
into a series of records, and some of th 
information is the same from one to the 
next, CTRL-C will replicate information 
from the same field in the previous 
record. For instance, when entering 
several screens of persons all from the 
same company, you need only type the 
company name once, then CTRL-C will 
reproduce it on each subsequent screen. 

CONTROL-S: FILER will keep track of 
serial numbers from 1 to 9999. If the 
serial number is to be the primary sort 
key, the function is automatically 
invoked by naming the first data field 
"serialno". If the serial number is not 
to be the primary sort key, CTRL-S will 
enter the next serial number in a data 
base. In a large database — e.g., one 
needing more than one disk — the starting 
number may be changed by using PERFECT 
WRITER to modify the file "serial .sav" . 

CONTROL-T: To enter today's date into a 
date template. (This works ONLY where 
the field is the Date Template.) 

CONTROL-W: To print a data record as it 
appears on the screen. 


by Will Hunt 

Here are a few procedures that can help 
with minor but frustrating elements when 
using Perfect Filer in file data 
management and sorted list applications. 
Most of them can be extracted from the 
manual but are far from readily 
apparent . 

== Deleting an unwanted line or field 
from a data record format: CTRL-D will 
NOT work as indicated (see PF Manual , 
V-15) . All fields in the line must be 
deleted first using Control-S. (NOTE: 
Before deleting or redefining a field, be 
sure to set up for the "MOVE" procedure 
first. ) 

== Occasionally, you may want to cancel 
an entry in a numeric field in order to 
leave a blank. FILER will not let you do 
this UNLESS you have defined the lower 
limit for that field as a NEGATIVE 
NUMBER, such as -9999 (1-5) . (This also 
allows entry of a "0" and/or the use of 

an alpha entry such as "none" in later 
formatting, as in #4 below.) 

== When setting up your own data record 
format, FILER will not accept tag names 
already in use in templates (e.g., 
Address, Phone, etc.) or in other 
fields. To get around this, name the 
tags slightly differently, such as 
"homecity", "busphone", etc. 

== Printers which do not have backspace 
capability (eg. my Oki 82) won't let you 
underline. However, you can write the 
list output to a file and then insert 
underlining using Perfect Writer. Do this 
also to insert alpha notes in blank 
numeric fields, place page numbers on the 
bottom of each page, and to edit and 
otherwise format lists as needed. 

Some printers (again, my Oki 82) 
need to see a Carriage Return at the end 
of the last line of a file before they 
will print that line. FILER does not 
automatically add a [CR] when finished 

(Cont . on p. 7 ) 



may be perfect, BUT*** 

people aren't! You are wasting time by constantly referring 
to the PERFECT WRITER™ reference material. 


keyboard you can throw away your 
reference card or template. Use 
PRECISION LABELS to reduce the number 
of keystrokes for PERFECT WRITER™ com- 
mands. No more need to memorize — 
they place all the commands right at 
your fingertips. 


Includes 9 commands not found on 

reference card 

Eliminates the confusion caused by 

template clutter 

Clear two-color coding on no-glare 

silver mylar 

Easy pressure sensitive application 

Contoured for key front so that 

keytop is not obscured 


Send to: 






71 Orange Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201 

Please send me set(s)of PRECISION LABELS (a 15.00 per set 

| (Price includes all postage and handling charges) TOTAL ENCLOSED $_ 

PERFECT WRITER" is a registered trademark of PERFECT SOFTWARE. INC 

(Sheepshead Software, P.O. Box 486, 
Boonville, CA 95415. $100.00) Reviewed by 
Peter Bates 

The hardest part about computer 
maintenance is getting the cover off the 
first time. Computers seem so complex, 
quirky and forbidding that nobody really 
wants to mess with them. After all, you 

might make it worse, right? And, don't 
ailing computers need all kinds of 
expensive test equipment? 

hard to describe without diagrams, but 
let's make a go at it: Sector One is 
offset one milli-inch TOWARD the spindle, 
while Sector 2 is offset one milli-inc^ 1 -^ 
AWAY. Sector 3 is offset two milli-incht 
AWAY from the spindle; Sector 4 is offset 
2 milli-inches TOWARDS, and so on. When 
you perform the radial alignment test on 
your Kaypro, you are in effect matching 
up these offset tracks to your own 
drive's movement. If there's a 
discrepancy, it shows up on a display 
scale on the screen. 

What if I told you that there is an 
inexpensive, relatively easy-to-learn 
escape route out of more than half the 
quandaries your computer is likely to 
develop, problems that most computer 
repair shops would rather not deal with 
at all? 

Drive misalignment accounts for more 
3D0S errors, jangled data/nerves and 
misformatted discs than any other problem 
your computer will probably have. But a 
recent article in THE BOSTON PHOENIX 
lamented the lack of local repairman 
willing to adjust them when they're out 
of whack. Since a Kaypro/Tandon drive is 
"cheap" ($149.00) they'd sooner replace 
it than spend two hours with an 
oscilloscope ! 

Do not despair. Now there is the 
Sheepshead Software Drive Diagnostic Kit, 
with all you need to make elementary 
adjustments to your drives. 

This kit includes a Dysan Diagnostic 
Disk, several appropriate tools, a Test 
Disk, a Tandon Drive Manual, and 
Sheepshead 's own how-to manual. The 
program will test such things as spindle 
speed, radial alignment, azimuth, 
indexing, and home switch adjustment. 

Just what are these things? Space 
doesn't permit explaining them all, so 
let's just follow Sheepshead 's program 
through one of them. 

Radial alignment is probably the most 
important adjustment you may ever have to 
make. It measures the exact placement of 
the Read/Write head over the surface of 
the floppy disk. The Dysan Diagnostic 
Diskette which Sheepshead supplies has 
"progressively offset" tracks. This is 

Usually a misalignment of 2, even 4, 
mills doesn't matter much. But if your 
drive is off by more than 4 mills, it may 
explain those missing chunks of data in 
the reports you've been writing. One of 
the best features of the DDD is that you 
can perform tests on six different tracks 
spaced along the diskette. That way you 
can positively confirm radial 
misalignment. [You should also run your 
drives for about ten minutes to get 
accurate readings.] 

Now comes the step you dread — diving in 
to make the adjustment. Do not fear .^ 
The Sheepshead kit comes with two manua 
to guide you, not just one: the 
Sheepshead Manual, and the Tandon Corp's 
Drive & Service Manual, which abounds in 
switch and screw assembly drawings. 

Though Sheepshead provides some photos 
of a Kaypro in progressive states of 
disassembly which give some idea of how 
to remove and position the drives while 
you're working on them, they are grainy 
and poorly reproduced. You may want to 
do some instant photos of the process 
yourself — I found it an added security 

On booting up, you may, instead of the 
friendly CP/M prompt, get the ominous 
message "I cannot read your diskette." 
this could mean your drive alignment is 
so off course that you can't even use the 
test. For this, Palmer has enclosed a 
"trouble plug" in his kit. When properly 
inserted in the Main Board, this little 
chip lets you boot up from the B Drive. 

Be careful when taking the drives out. 
It's very easy to break the little 

(Cont. on p. 7) 


REVIEW (Cont.* from p. 6) 

resistors on the logic board assembly. 
Do not pull them out too quickly. 

With the drives now out of their 
housings , follow instructions and boot up 
for the radial test. After making note 
of how far your alignment is off, find 
out where the adjustment screws are from 
the Tandon manual. Sheepshead has 
included a 7/64 hex wrench (among others) 
in the kit for loosening the three 
"pre-adjustment" retaining screws. 

Here, the manual constantly warns you 
not to apply too much force to break the 
paint seals on these screws. Have 
patience. Once they give up the ghost , 
you're practically home free. I found 
these little screws stubborn gremlins 
that can give a false sense of how hard 
the job's going to be. But I conquered 
them and made my way to the all- important 
cam screw. 

When you turn this little screw ever so 
slowly from one direction to another , you 
will see with great jubilation — if 
v you've followed instructions — the display 
change on your CRT. If the error gets 
worse , then you know you're turning in 
the wrong direction. It's all very 
logical. You can't go wrong if you use 
common sense. 

There are more little quirks that can 
develop as you start to reassemble. For 
example , as you retighten the little 
retaining screws, they may knock your 
nice new alignment off again. The 
solution? Tighten them MOST of the way. 
This leaves the cam screw still 
adjustable. Most hobbyists are familiar 
with tightening a series of screws "in 
rotation." That's the secret here. 

From my own experience in radial 
alignment , I would rate Sheepshead 's 
documentation "B-". They warn you of a 
variety of problems quite well in the 
general text. But I would have preferred 
better (and more) photographs or 
step-by-step diagrams. 

However I am impressed with the 
efficiency and accuracy of program 
itself. With a little practice , I 
imagine anyone who can do minor 
electrical repairs around the house can 

follow these instructions with -fruitful 
results. I give the program an overall 

One final tip: should you still be 
timid about repairing your first faulty 
drive and insist on replacing it, by all 
means do so. But make the repair station 
give you back your old drive. They may 
sputter and gripe, but don't let them 
take it. It's good to practice on and 
who knows? Someday you may be able to 
repair it yourself. _ j fBlllelll 


Now you have an opportunity 
to advertise your product 
or service to every member 

If your want to reach this 
interested and loyal market, 
call 731-1008 for details. 


FILER TIPS (Cont, from p. 5 ) 

running a List Format Definition (VI-37) . 
There are 2 ways to get the last line to 

#1 (klutsy) — Back out to a Warm Boot 
and use CPM's Control-P. 

#2 (easier) — when defining your last 
Sort Key, set up a final Subheading, 
defined as a "String" , and enter a 
Carrige Return [CR] for that string. 
However: this second method will result 
in the list being double spaced. IJeDl jejj 


dBase II 


by John Callahan 
SIG Coordinator 

Beginning February 14 , our "workshop" 
evenings at BOSKUG meetings will be 
re-named "SIG" nights. There are no 
facilities at Minuteman for us to run 
true workshops. But we can still break 
down into small groups and maybe have 
more fun if we don't worry so much about 
hands-on instruction. 

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are an 
effective way for people with common 
interests to share knowledge and gain 
from each others 1 experiences. SIGs can 
be as formal or informal as their members 
want them to be; they can have as few as 
two members or as many as they wish. 

The focus of a SIG can be 
applications-oriented, such as word 
processing, accounting, data base 
management, or spreadsheets. It can be a 
specific package like Perfect Writer, or 
Perfect Calc. Or, the focus may have an 
industrial or occupational focus: general 
contractors, law firms, consultants, or 
writers. Some may be interested in a 
recreational SIG, such as games or 
computer simulation for improving your 
odds in the lottery. 

In short, a SIG can really be anything 
its members want it to be. 

Starting a SIG is easy. All you have 
to do is stand up at a BOSKUG meeting and 
announce that you want to start a SIG in 
your area of interest. If one other 
person responds, you are no longer 
alone. You are now a member of a SIG. 
Suresh Shenoy and I will be available to 
answer questions and to provide any help 
you may need. 

==> Contact Person: Kase Van Dongen 
924-1177 - home 

Working at Home 

==> ' Contact Person: Scott Southworth 
877-2385 - days 467-2337 - evenings 

Other SIGs now being formed, including 
a Technical CP/M SIG and a Writers' SIG. 
More will be announced at the next BOSKUG 
meeting. Anyone interested in forming a 
SIG on any topic should contact John 
Callahan, BOSKUG Special Interest Group 
Coordinator, 879-5100 days or 653-9329 



On Feb 14, the assembly language 
Special Interest Group will begin a 
series of 3 to 5 sessions on ASSEMBLY 
will be led by Bill Lee, an engineer with 
assembly language programming 

This should be a FUN course. Contrary" 
to popular belief, assembly • language 
programming is not hard, and there are 
many useful things that can be done in 
assembly language which are difficult or 
impossible to do in Basic. 

You do not have to buy software to do 
the things that will be covered. The 
Kaypro comes with an assembler and a 
debugger, and these programs will be used 
in this course. The course is designed 
to be interesting and understandable to 
someone who has had NO assembly language 
experience. If you are familiar with 
programming in any language, you should 
have no trouble. Even if you lack 
programming experience, you should be 
able to understand and do the things that 
will be covered in this seminar. 

Assembly Language for Beginners 

==> Contact Person: Phil Marshall 
232-2373 - home 589-1255 - work 

Business Management 

==> Contact Person: John Callahan 
653-9329 - home 879-5100 - work 

The assembly language programs which 
will be used as examples in the course 
are useful utilities in themselves. 
Hopefully, there will also be time to 
briefly talk about how to examine and 
make modifications to a program in a COM 

(Cont. on p. 16) 



by Seth Holmes 

We assume that you have the BOSKUG 191K 
version of ADVENTURE and that you've put 
it on 2 disks, as told to in the 
instructions. After turning the computer 
on, push RESET and then press CAPS LOCK , 
because all commands must be entered in 
capital letters & must be followed by a 
RETURN or ENTER. You'll get the welcome 
message & be asked if you want 
instructions. Type either YES or NO (if 
you've already read them), and read on. 

To ask for help during the game, type 
either HELP or INFO. For up-to-date info, 
type NEWS. 

For those of you who haven't gotten 
into the cave yet, once in the building 
type "XYZZY", and in the cave you are. 
(Remember to take the LAMP with you. The 
other things aren't needed till later, & 
you'll return to the building to drop off 
treasure.) You can return to the 
building from Y2 by typing "PLUGH" and 
from the DEBRIS ROOM by saying "XYZZY." 

ADVENTURE understands simple, 2-word 
commands. The commands are a verb (do 
something) and a noun or adjective. 
Examples are: "TAKE LAMP" or "THROW AXE" 
or "EAT MUSHROOM." (Sometimes you leave 
out the verb, as in "PLUGH", or "EAST." 

In the cave, the first thing you'll 
find is a RUSTY ROD. TAKE it and head 
EAST until you come to a CAGE. TAKE it 
and go WEST till you find the BIRD. DROP 
the ROD because it scares the bird. TAKE 
the BIRD, then TAKE the ROD again. 

At some point you'll probably meet a 
dragon. The only way to KILL the DRAGON 
is with your bare hands. He's not the 
only hard-to-kill monster; the TROLL can 
only be killed by the BEAR, so save your 
FOOD for the bear but don't try to cross 
the bridge with him. The OGRE can only 
be killed with the SWORD. If you THROW 
the AXE, the ogre will catch it & throw 
it back at you, and it will chop you in 

^_half. If you try to HIT the OGRE, he 
111 tear you limb from limb. (the only 

- way to get the SWORD, which is stuck in a 
stone, is to EAT the MUSHROOM that grows 
on a wall. ) 

The room with the mushroom can only be 
entered from The Hall Of The Mountain 
King, after getting past the SNAKE. To do 
this, first THROW the BIRD, which scares 
the snake silly. If you're lucky, you'll 
find some GOLDEN EGGS. Big deal if the 
Pirate steals these! Just type "FEE" 
[ret] "FIE" [ret] "FOE" [ret] "F00" [ret] 
and the eggs will reappear where you got 
them. The Pirate's TREASURE is in the 
Maze. To get it, you must let him steal 
something from you in the Maze — and 
don't FEE FIE FOE FOO" it, either! 

It's almost impossible to finish a game 
in one sitting, so save it by typing 
"SAVE [YOURNAME]." To resume, type 

The maps for sale in our Library are 
for the original, 350-pt ADVENTURE, but 
they can be used for ours, which is 550 
points. They make a good present, and 
they don't spoil the game from being 
interesting. All in all, ADVENTURE is a 
terrific game even if you're not very 
good at it. 



Epson w/Graftrax, Okidata, C.Itoh. NEC 8023A. 
DEC LA50 and LP100. IDS Prism, GE 3000. 

Line Graphs and Scatterplots 

Data from Text File 

Easy to Use, Excellent Manual 

Price: $50+$3 shipping (includes manual). Manual Alone: $10. 

Dataplotter from Lark Software 

PO Box 1124, Cambridge. MA 02238 
(617) 497-1168 

Visa. M/C 



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Jun Aug Oct 



70 Gregory Rd., Framingham; MA "01701, 
(617) 877-6848. 


A new KUGEL feature - a classified ad 
section for selling, buying or swapping 
computer-related items or services. SWAP 
SHOPPE ads are free to BOSKUG members for 
personal notices; there is a $5.00 per ad 
charge for non-members or commercial 
ventures. Ads must be 50 words or less, 
including contact information. 

Although we will try to insure that all 
ads are legitimate , The KUGEL accepts no 
responsibility for the quality, terms or 
condition of any product or service 
advertised. We also reserve the right to 
refuse or edit any copy we feel is 
inappropriate . 

Include your name, address and phone 
with your submission if is not included 
in the ad copy. Send copy (with payment, 
when appropriate, made out to BOSTON 
Chapman, 70 Gregory Rd., Framingham, MA 

available to consult on the uses of 
Perfect Filer, or the rest of the PERFECT 
series; teach you how to use it to create 
your own database or I will create a 
custom database for you. Individual 
instruction or small classes (6 maximum) ; 
$50/hour or $250/day. Contact Mike Holmes 
at 15 Arnold Place, New Bedford, MA 
02740, (617) 993-0156. 

For those of you who are incurably 
hooked on ADVENTURE, or who are stuck in 
the maze, or if you get lost on the way 
to the bathroom, have we got news for 
you!!! A complete map of the original 
ADVENTURE game, printed on 22x17 
parchment-like paper. An excellent 
addition to the fun of playing. What a 
great present — sorry it's too late for 
Christmas. Only $6 at BOSKUG meetings 
from Mike Holmes. 

THE BACKSIDER - 5" flippy kits for 
making single- sided disks into double- 
sided. Doubles your disk capacity; 
simple to use; pays for itself with less 
than one box of disks. $12.00 at BOSKUG 
meetings; $13.00 by mail. Alan Chapman, 

COMPUTER MAGS; Lowest rates. Popular 
Computing , Computers & Electronics , 
Desktop Computing , $10.50; Personal 
Software , $15.50; BYTE , $18. Send checks 
to: Karen Rockow, 345 Harvard St. #3B, 
Cambridge, MA 02138; [617] 354-0124. 

needs: summer instructors, curriculum 
writers, legal and financial consultants, 
people with ideas, venture capitalists. 
Contact Karen Rockow. 


*** Cheap Printer Ribbons *** 

We have arranged with Armor America, a 
large ribbon wholesaler, for members to 
purchase printer ribbons at very 
attractive prices. For example: IBM 
Multi-Strike for Daisywriter: $1.99; 
Epson MX80: $3.05; Oki 82: $1.55. 

Ribbons are available for virtually 
every printer made at similar savings. 
To get this deal, you MUST buy in minimum 
lots of 2 dozen, so get together with 
friends. Here's what to do: 

Call Armor at 1-800-528-1147. Be sure 
to say your a BOSKUG member. Tell what 
your order is. You'll be told a price. 
You'll be invoiced for this amount, plus 
a minimal shipping cost. Your order will 
arrive in about a week or less. 

This is a word of honor arrangement. 
Armor is trusting you to pay when 
billed. If people don't, it will 
jeapordize everyone's credit — so pay 
promptly , please . . . 

I have been using a sample ribbon for 
Daisywriter, and it's great. 

— Lee Lockwood 



1) Accutrack (Kybe) SS, DD diskettes: 
$20 per box of 10. 


(Cont. on p. li ) 




CLIP ( Though tware, Inc. $50) Reviewed 
by Phil Marshall 

CLIP, for Command Line Interpretive 
Program, is a very useful CP/M utility 
put out by Thoughtware , Inc. It is really 
a patch or overlay in that it is always 
in the memory, even when running other 
programs, much like SMARTKEY. It adds 
over 40 commands to the four resident 
CP/M commands, including such functions 
as command line editing, a ten line 
recall buffer, a built-in calculator, and 
UNIX-like pips and redirection. 

For example, redirection can be used to 
send the output of programs to other 
places besides the screen or printer. 
CLIP expands CP/M's allow disk 
directories to be printed to disk as well 
as to a printer. 

In command line editing, CLIP provides 
the capability of correcting a mistyped 
CP/M command like 

A>pop B:=A:testfile.mss 

by using the arrow keys to correct 
"pop" to "pip" without retyping the whole 

CLIP uses the same cursor keys as 
WordStar. The left and right keys move 
the cursor without deleting, while the up 
and down keys move up and down through 
the ten-line recall buffer (similar to 
the buffer found in HP9800 lab compu- 
ters) , and the CTRL-V key toggles the 
insert mode. Like most software 
packages, however, CLIP has some 
disadvantages. First, it takes up 30K of 
disk space, and it must be on the A drive 
whenever it is used. It will also slow 
the computer down noticeably (but not 
annoyingly) . Of course, Kaypro 10 owners 
needn't worry about either of these 
drawbacks . 

CLIP sells for $50. There are also two 
add-on programs available at $25.00: 
Software Tools, which has very similar 
features to some of the programs in THE' 
WORD PLUS but with greater capability; 
features than many other utility packages 
available at much higher prices. It is a 
good software value that deserves serious 
consideration . 

I think the basic CLIP offers far more 

and a File Encryption Program which 
allows you to make a file unreadable 
without a password. 

■ i ■ ' P i H i l l ■»———■ ii 

GROUP DEALS (Cont. from p. 10) 

2) Plu*Perfect Writer with CP/M 2.2E. 
Permits easy configuring of keypad, warm 
boot from within PW, directory from 
within PW, ability to change swap file 
sizes, & more. Regular price: $30; 
BOSKUG price: $25 in groups of 5 or 
more. Add $1 postage if you want it 
mailed to you. 

3) DATAPLOT by Lark Software: converts 
dot-matrix printer to plotter using 
tabular, digital data. Makes pie & bar 
charts, scatter-plots. Specify printer 
when placing order. Normal price: $50; 
BOSKUG: $40, delivered at meeting. 
(Groups of 5.) 

Order & pay cash at meeting to Bob or 
Jean Waters for each of these. 


Two special deals 
BOSKUG members: 

are available for 

FILTER, a nylon mesh screen which custom 
mounts to the Kaypro (II, 4 or 10) screen 
inside the case for maximum protection is 
available to BOSKUG members at $24.00 
each (list $45.00) by special arrangement 
Central St., Norwood, MA. To order, call 
Helen Kydd at Time Brokers (769-4060), 
and be sure to mention BOSKUG. More 
information is available from the BOSKUG 

2) George Gabrielson is selling a mesh 
ANTI -GLARE SCREEN which mounts on the 
outside of the Kaypro case. List price 
is $42.50; discount price is $23.90, but 
if 20 or more people sign up (and pay a 
$5.00 deposit), the price could drop to 
app. $20. As of last meeting, 12 orders 
had been received. See George at 
meetings or contact him at 275-8562, 16H 
Dunster Rd., Bedford, MA 01730. 



Here is a list of the disks available 
and ready for copying as of Jan 10, 1984, 

BOSKUG. 163 



























BOSKUG. 101 












New version of CP/M 
Perfect Writer version 1.2 
PFConfig 1.2 (Needed 

with PW 1.2) 
Perfect Speller 1.1 
Perfect Filer 1.2 
Perfect Calc 1.1 
Perfect Calc Lessons 
"Readme.Tips" (described in 

Kugram vol. 1, no. 3, 

with additions) 
Wordstar 3.3 

Perfect Writer 
Perfect Writer Installation 
Perfect Writer Lessons 
Perfect Filer 
Perfect Calc 
Wordstar 3.3; The Word Plus 

Utilities Disk No. 1. 
General utilities for 
displaying directories, 
handling files, copying, 
printing, viewing, etc. 
Contains extensive 
instructions for beginners. 

Utilities Disk No. 2. 
Programs for making a 
catalogue of the files in a 
library of disks. Extensive 

Utilities Disk No. 3 (Word 
Processing), No. 1. NEWSWAP, 
a program that will let you 
create new swap files for 
PERFECT WRITER in any size 
you need. Full instructions. 

Utilities Disk Series 4 
(Printers), No. 1. A 
printer graphics program for 
the Epson MX-80 with 
GRAFTRAX. From Micro- 

Utilities Disk Series 6 
(Communications), No. 1. 
Some tested modem programs: 

Utilities Disk Series 6, No. 
2. Communication Utilities: 
71, LU (The "Library" family) 













Series 6, No. 3. M0DEM903, a 
new modem program, and NSWP 
(Newsweep), an improved 
file-handling utility. 

Series 6, No. 4. A disk full 
of Bulletin Board numbers. 

BASIC programs to calculate 
dates and mortgages; touch 
typing practice. 

Game Disk No. 1. 

Game Disk No. 2. Aliens, 
Catchum, Ladder, Pacman, 
Life, Acey, and Sumeria. 

Game Disk No. 3. Biorhythms,. 
Blackjack, Camel, Chase, 
Chess, Maze, Othello, 
Star lane, Tic-Tac-Toe (2-D 
and 3-D versions), Wumpus. 

304 Game Disk No. 4. BASIC 

games, including Biorhythms, 
Ghase, CIA, Civil War, 
Granprix, Startrek, Taxman, 


305 Game Disk No. 5. Two •» 
versions of ELIZA, the 
"psychiatrist" program. Two 
more versions of Startrek. 
More BASIC games including 
Black Friday, Decision, Slot 




" 503 
" 504 

BOSKUG .801 

Game Disk No. 6. Selections 
from the Osborne Group 
library. Mostly BASIC 
games, including Castle, HI- 
Q, Gunner, Horsrace, 
Sinewave, Golf, Bowling, 
Pacman2, another Startrek. 

Small-C Compiler 
EBASIC Compilers and 
Interpreters (from CP/MUG) 

Boston KUGEL , Vol. 1, No. 1 
(Sept./Oct. 1983) 


B0SKUG.901 Boston KUGEL, Issues 1-1, 1-2 


B0SKUG.901 Fancy Font, a letter -graphics 

program for Epson printers. 


by Alan Chapman 



It came to me one Sunday morning on the 
Boston Common. A small knot of people 
encircled two elderly men who were debat- 
ing the age-old chicken-and-egg conun- 
drum. More or less with the same result 
that happens when Kaypro owners debate 
which is better, Perfect Writer or Word- 
Star. The fact is, it doesn't matter 
whether the chicken or egg came first as 
long as the frying pan is big enough to 
hold both. And it doesn't matter whether 
PW or WS is better when you can use both 
- together. 

Let's face it, Perfect Writer ain't 
perfect and WordStar has a lot of tar- 
nish. However, together they make a heck 
of a team. Until something better comes 
along (and it surely will), my solution 
is to use them together. Thus was born 
my new word processor, "Perfect-Star Word 
Writer," or, simply, PSWW (pronounced 
pizwahwah, for those who like acronyms). 


Every tutorial I've ever seen has an 
opening chapter entitled, "Getting 
Started With....," and I certainly am not 
going to break the tradition. 

Begin by creating your documents with 
PERFECT WRITER in text mode using no "@" 
commands (except as suggested below) 
because you are going to format and print 
with WordStar. 

When the document is written and 
edited to your satisfaction, insert the 
WS disk. Toggle Justification OFF until 
you are through editing and are sure you 
won't be going back into the document 
with PW; the WS justification mode in- 
serts machine characters in the text that 
drive PW bonkers. 

If you need to reformat any PW text 
paragraphs with WS, there are a couple of 
quirks you need to know about: 

WS sees each line as ending with a 
carriage return; hence, when you try to 
reformat a PW paragraph to fit new para- 
meters with WS it will stop after each 
line, thinking it's a paragraph. You 
have to place the cursor at the beginning 
of each line and delete a character to 
the left - this appends the line to pre- 
ceding one (You may have to reinsert a 
blank space to separate words), now use 
the WS reform command (CNTL-B), and it 
will reform the paragraph. To minimize 
that time-consuming process, I simply set 

the PW Fill column (CNTL-X F) to the 
width I intend to set the margin at in 
WS. That way, when I call up WS, I don't 
have to reform unless I want to justify 
the text or make last-minute changes. 

While WS can accom 
files easily (except 
return problem), PW i 
dating. The reasons, 
do with 7-bit versus 
order bits, machine 
technical nonsense I 
No matter. Here, in a 
it's all about. ..and a 

modate PW-created 

for the carriage 

s not so accommo- 

I am told, have to 

8-bit words, high 

codes and other 

don't understand. 

nut shell, is what 

Perfect Writer uses standard ASCII 
symbols for its formatting commands, 
which Perfect Formatter then translates 
into appropriate machine code that Per- 
fect Printer then transmit to your prin- 
ter. WordStar, because its formatter and 
printer are built into the same COM file, 
inserts machine code directly into the 
text file as you enter them. Hence, if 
you need to go back to PW after editing 
with WS, you must strip out these machine 
codes because PW can't read them. 

The simpliest way to do this is by 
using T.COM, a public domain utility 
program available from the BOSKUG Lib- 
rary, which strips out both the high 
order bit and machine codes in one ac- 
tion. If you have right -justified the 
text with WS, it will remain justified. 
If you want to make it ragged right, 
however, reforming (ESC-Q) won't do it, 
you will have to remove the extra spaces 
left between words. This isn't a big 
deal, simply do a "Search & Replace' 
replacing 3 blank spaces with one blank 
space; then do it twice more replacing 2 
blank spaces with one each time. This 
should give you perfectly spaced text. 

If you don't have T.COM, the CP/M PIP 
[z] resident program will strip out the 
high order bit, but you will still have 
to manually eliminate machine codes. For 
example, if you've used the WS "Soft 
Hyphen" feature to break words (they will 
anpear in PW text as f- at a line end and 

If in middle of line), you will have to 
delete each one individually; you can't 
use Search & Replace because PW can't 
"see" these codes. This PIP [z] proce- 
dure is described in hideous detail in 
Sep/Oct, 1983 PRoFiles Magazine. It 
works, if you have 3 or 
using it. My advice is 
forget this procedure. 

4 days to kill 
get T.COM and 

(cont. p. 14 ) 


PSWW (Cont. from p. 13 ) 

To facilitate going back and forth 
between the two programs - SMARTKEY is 
very helpful for easing the transition 
between the distinctly different command 


While you're editing with PW you can 
insert WS dot commands as they are ASCII. 
They won't mean anything to PW, but when 
you call up the document with WS, it will 
read them as commands. Control codes 
(i.e., "CNTL-P S" for underlining) are a 
different story. Those need to be entered 
with WS. But, to make it easy for my- 
self, I insert a variation of the PW 
codes for underlining, holding, super or 
subscript, etc. as I f m editing and then 
when I'm in WS, I simply replace them 
with the appropriate WS command through a 
global search & replace. For example, 
words I want underlined, I code in PW as 
ff @Uword@U" without brackets - that way a 
single WS Search & Replace replacing "@U" 
with fl CNTL-P S M inserts the WS underline 
command properly throughout the text. 

This article, for example, was written 
and edited in Perfect Writer, formatted 
and printed with WordStar. 




A series of 10 seminars on programming 
in the MUMPS language is being conducted 
by Bob Craig. The lectures cover 

Programming technique (including how to 
design and structure good programs), 
using the commands and functions of the 
MUMPS language, and how to install and 
implement the CP/M public domain version 
available from the BOSKUG library. 

The group is meeting in the Massachu- 
setts General Hospital, Thursday nights 
at 7:30 pm through March 15. The cost is 
$5.00 per session. For more information, 
contact Bob Craig at 726-3955 (days) or 
524-5255 (evenings). 


At a recent meeting, there seemed to be 
some interest in longer curly phone 
cords. The assembled multitude was 
agreed that the 25-foot cords do not 
work, but that shorter low-resistance 
cords did. BOSKUG hereby announces the 

COMPETITION AWARD to be given to the 
first phone store employee who shows some 
sign of recognition of the term "low 
resistance." Details to be announc "^ 
later. Meanwhile, we have found thau 
Faxon's 12-foot cord ($5.95) seems to do 
the job. It comes in a variety of 
colors; sorry, electric blue freaks; it 
only comes in pale blue. AT&T stores 
have an untested steel blue cord for $1 
more (that's why it's untested). 

— Karen Rockow 


The cost of your home computer may be 
deductible from your taxes if you use it 
for business purposes. However, you had 
better be able to justify it as the IRS 
draws a firm line between business and 
personal use and generally considers home 
computers personal use items. The 1984 
point procedure you should follow to 
protect your deduction against challenge 
by the IRS. The Guide is available by 
mail for $17.95 plus $1.60 postage from: *" 

Academic Information Service, Inc. 
V Enfant Plaza 
P.O. Box 23279 
Washington, D.C. 20026 


BOSKUG is the official Kaypro Users 
Group of the Boston Computer Society. 

BOSKUG is dedicated to the exchange of 
information and to helping Kaypro owners 
solve problems they may have with their 
machines, its software, or peripherals. 
BOSKUG meets semi-monthly on the 2nd and 
4th Tuesdays. Programs include lectures, 
panels, and hands-on workshops on CP/M, 
Perfect Software, applications and other 
programs available for the Kaypro. Qual- 
ified representatives and consultants 
from Kaypro appear frequently at our 
meetings to conduct discussions and ans- 
wer questions. Meeting notices are car- 
ried in the BCS monthly CALENDAR and 
bimonthly UPDATE magazine, and on the BCS 
Bulletin Board (969-9660). 

For more information, contact the 
Boston Computer Society at 367-8080. 


DIRECTOR'S NOTES (Cont. from p. 2) 

organizing this. We are getting samples 

^xf all kinds of software from 

.nufacturers. If you'd like to try your 

hand at reviewing some, whether your 're a 

beginner, expert, or somewhere in 

between, call Bill (484-3238) or Karen 

(354-0124) . 

KAYPRO 10 SIG??? Owners of 10s share 
many common Kaypro problems, but they 
also have concerns of their own. We now 
show about a dozen 10 owners in our 
database, but we suspect there are more 
of you out there. Is anyone interested 
in starting a SIG for 10 users? If so (& 
if you're interested in leading it!), 
call me or else see me at a meeting. 

unhappy at Minuteman, but eventually we 
will need a better place to meet. 
Ideally, it should include one large room 
for programs (like the cafeterias at 
Mitre and Honeywell, where the BOG group 
meets), with some smaller rooms available 
for workshops or SIGS. It's possible that 
the corporation or institution you work 
^or has such facilities available to 

oups like BOSKUG when one of its staff 
is a member. If so, contact either me or 
Bob Waters. We would not move before 
Sept., 1984. 


Lee Lockwood (Co-Dir) 965- 

Bob Waters (Co-Dir) (h) 894- 

(w) 893- 

Diane Bushee (Sec'y) (h) 787- 

(w) 437- 

Charles Bowen (Co-Libr ' n) . . . . 332- 

Phil Marshall (Co-Libr ' n) . (h) 232- 

(w) 589- 

Alan Chapman (Newsltr) 877' 

Suresh Shenoy (Programs) . . (h) 862- 

(w) 655' 

John Callahan (S. I .G.s) . . . (h) 653' 

(w) 620- 

Bill Engstrom (Software) .. (h) 484' 

(w) 235' 



Software (619) 481-3920 

Hardware (619) 481-3424 

Tech Support 

Bulletin Board (619) 481-3942 


Technical Support (415) 524-1926 

General Information . . . (800) 222-4222 

BOSTON COMPUTER SOCIETY :.. (617 ) 367-8080 

Bulletin Board 969-9660 

Hot Line 227-0170 

^^^ w wwy w w w w w w w wwvww , 

BOSKUG - The Boston Kaypro Users 1 Group 
The Boston Computer Society 
3 Center Plaza 
Boston, MA 02108 

Please complete and return this form to obtain more 
information about BOSKUG or to update your mailing 






'heck one: [ ] I am interested in joining BOSKUG. 

Send me membership information. 

[ ] Change my address. 

Che Boston Kugel 

is published bimonthly 

by the Boston Kaypro 

Users 1 Group 

of the Boston 
Computer Society 

[c] Copyright 1984, BOSKUG 
All rights reserved. 

EDITOR: Alan Chapman 
DESIGN: Karen Rockow 
ADVERTISING: Murray Gintis 
CIRCULATION: Diane Bushee 
Bates, Charlie Bowen, 
John Callahan, Mike 
Holmes, Seth Holmes, Will 
Hunt, Lee Lockwood, Phil 
Marshall, Suresh Shenoy, 
Bob Waters, Nat Weiner, 
Sarah Wernick. 


- - t 


BOSKUG meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the 
month at the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical 
School, Route 2A, Lexington, just west of Rte 128. 
Park in rear, use Cafeteria entrance, take stairs to 
2nd floor, follow I.R.C. signs to 3rd level. 

Times: LIBRARY opens 6:30 PM. MEETINGS begin 7:15. 
PROGRAMS start 8:00 sharp. BEGINNER'S TUTORIAL held 
1st monthly meeting only, starts 6:30 sharp. 


Feb 28 - Program 

Mar 12 - SIGs 

Mar 26 - Program 

Apr 9 - SIGs 
Apr 23 - Program: 

Ray Baril, CPA. 

An expert accountant reviews tax 
packages that run on the Kaypro. 


Glenn Mclntyre of Delphi tells of 
on-line databases E-mail, & more. 
Special deal for BOSKUG members. 

(The Charlie & Phil Show.) 
BOSKUG 1 s Librarians & friends will 
describe many free goodies you 
ought to be using. 


SIGS (Cont. from p.g) 

file. The "fin 
project" will be 
archiving program which 
will allow you to make 
back-up copies of your 
disks by only copying the 
files which have been 
modified since the disk 
was last backed up, 
rather than copying all 
the files on the disk. 

The course will include 
how to write and 
understand assembly 
language programs using 
the Digital Research 
assembler, and how to use 
the debugger (DDT) that 
comes with the Kaypro. In 
addition, the course will 
briefly cover the 
operation of the Z80 
microprocessor in the 
Kaypro and also a little 
bit of how CP/M works. ^ x 

— Bill Lee 

May 8 - SIGs 

May 22 - Program: 

The return of Mike Holmes! 
(Rescheduled from Jan snowout.) 

Your ideas for lectures or panel discussion topics and 
volunteers to participate in the programs are more than 
welcome. Contact Program Chairman Suresh Shenoy 
(655-6402 - days; 862-5173 - eves). 

Che Boston Kugcl 

The Boston Kaypro Users' Group 

Vol. 1 No. 3 

Jon -Feb. 1Q84 


O Boston 

O Society 

Three Center Plaza 

Boston, Massachusetts 02108 


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